Danny Miller lives in Toronto, an uncommonly diverse and peaceful city. Dealing with the violence that disrupts the city’s peace is Danny’s responsibility. A forty-two-year-old homicide detective, Danny now faces several murders that may be intertwined. For Danny and his team, each murder presents moral quandaries about how people of different backgrounds relate to each other in a multicultural urban centre.

The ruined mansion had been there for as long as most of the locals remembered. There was nothing special about it. Till the three friends came researching its past. What happened fifty years ago to reduce the mansion to rubble? And what is the strange journal that Jai found among his books? And what is the explanation for all the supernatural forces following them around?

Torino, quartiere Madonna di Campagna, periferia nord ovest della città. Mentre l’eco della guerra è ancora presente nei racconti degli adulti che lo circondano il piccolo Marcuse attraversa il decennio degli anni sessanta passando dall’infanzia all’adolescenza, osservando i cambiamenti di un epoca che nell’arco di dieci anni sarà destinata a mutare radicalmente la sua vita e quella delle persone che lo circondano. Fra equivoci ed intuizioni, entusiasmi e delusioni, mentre nuovi oggetti si affacciano all’orizzonte per poi entrare in pianta stabile nella quotidianità della maggior parte delle famiglie, la sua voce narrante percorre il decennio con il suo gruppo di amici accompagnata dalla colonna sonora della nuova fantastica musica che impazza dalle radio e dai mangiadischi appoggiati sugli scalini dei marciapiedi e attraverso una miriade di avventure più o meno sensate sviluppa con loro il suo cammino di crescita che lo porterà a scoprire i suoi sentimenti ed i suoi interrogativi e ad assaporare, dal suo particolare punto di vista, la magia di un periodo storico che nel bene e nel male resterà unico ed irripetibile …

Quadro Cronologico
§ 1. Le migrazioni dei popoli
§ 2. Le emigrazioni dal Mediterraneo orientale a quello centro-occidentale
§ 3. La Sardegna nelle antiche migrazioni mediterranee
§ 4. L'Asia Minore o Anatolia e la “rotta transmediterranea”
§ 5. La Lidia terra dell'Asia Minore
§ 6. La vocazione metallurgica dei Lidi
§ 7. La grande emigrazione dei Lidi secondo Erodoto
§ 8. Le ipotesi migrazionista ed autoctonista sugli Etruschi
§ 9. Lo scolio del «Timeo» di Platone
§ 10. I Sardiani della Lidia e quelli della Sardegna
§ 11. Le rotte marittime dall'Asia Minore per la Sardegna
§ 12. Connessioni onomastiche fra l'Asia Minore e la Sardegna
§ 13. I Tirseni/Tirreni costruttori delle «torri nuragiche» della Sardegna
§ 14. Le testimonianze di Esiodo, Strabone e Stefano di Bisanzio
§ 15. Le testimonianze di Diodoro Siculo, Porfirio e Aristotele
§ 16. L'ambiente naturale della Sardegna antica e le devastazioni ecologiche
§ 17. La Sardegna terra di risorse minerarie e di opportunità venatorie ed agricole
§ 18. Lo stanziamento dei Lidi Sardiani nell'Isola
§ 19. I Sardi monopolizzatori del commercio dello stagno, dell'ambra e del bronzo
§ 20. I Sardi “colonizzatori” dell'Occidente mediterraneo
§ 21. I Sardi Tirreni nella Corsica meridionale
§ 22. I Sardi Tirreni nelle Isole Baleari
§ 23. I Sardi Tirreni nel mitico regno di Tartesso e oltre le Colonne d'Ercole
§ 24. I Sardi Tirreni nelle coste orientali dell'Iberia
§ 25. I Sardi Tirreni nella Gallia meridionale
§ 26. I Sardi Tirreni nelle coste tosco-laziali d'Italia. Il rinvenimento del ferro in Etruria
§ 27. Gli sbarchi dei Sardi Tirreni nelle coste dell'Etruria
§ 28. La lingua protosarda e la lingua etrusca
§ 29. Sardi Tirreni ed Etruschi nel Mar Tirreno e nelle Isole Eolie
§ 30. I Sardi Tirreni nella Numidia dell'Africa settentrionale - I Sardolíbyes
§ 31. I Sardi Tirreni nel Mare Ionio
§ 32. Sardi Tirreni, Micenei e la “xenomania”
§ 33. I Tirreni nel Mare Egeo e la madrepatria Lidia
§ 34. I Tirreni e i Pelasghi
§ 35. I Sardiani o Sciardani o Scerdani in Egitto
§ 36. I Tirseni/Tirreni della Sardegna in Egitto
§ 37 La rotta marittima di Cipro
§ 38. La talassocrazia o dominio dei Lidi e dei Tirreni sul mare
Curriculum di Massimo Pittau
Opere scientifiche di Massimo Pittau

In 1941, Hayesville North Carolina was overrun with members of the Tennessee Valley Authority. As the TVA began to make plans for the development of Lake Chatuge, a fierce battle was set as landowners were forced to give up their fertile land. Three major families each face different events that change the face of the society, and the families bind together to take care of each other after one final standoff.

In 2014, Edmunds father had passed away. As he is preparing to close out his estate, Edmund learns that his entire childhood has been a created hoax his father engineered to contain her memory. Few people knew the real story, but those who did knew it has always been about her.

It's always been about Anna.

Reece Cuttler e Abby se apaixonaram a primeira vista.
A química entre eles é inegável, mas algo ou alguém poderá destruir o que eles têm de mais bonito.
Reece é um homem dominador, mas ele nunca negou o que sente por Abby. Mas será que Abby estará ao seu lado quando algo do passado surge para assombrá-lo?
A conclusão da história de amor entre uma assistente e o seu chefe possessivo. Venha se apaixonar com Reece e Abby.

All of us feel anxious, apprehensive and scared at some point in our lives. Threatening and challenging situations like presenting a speech in front of a huge crowd, seeing a truck approach your car and going in for a job interview quickly trigger our anxiety and make us feel frustrated. This is normal since anxiety is our body’s natural response to such situations and helps us cope with them effectively.
But what if anxiety is your go-to response to every situation even, a calm and happy one? What if you feel nervous even when there is nothing to worry about and find yourself in a state of frenzy almost all the time? What if anxiety slowly starts to build in your system and takes over your mind?
If that happens, you are quite likely to respond anxiously to everything and will find yourself feeling frustrated and scared of everything around you. This state of mind isn’t a healthy and greatly limits your ability to live a happy life.
This book aims to help eliminate the hold that Anxiety and Stress have on your life

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In this e-book from the leading SAP publisher, learn how to manage invoices and other accounts payable processes with SAP Ariba! Understand the functionality of SAP Ariba Invoice Management, SAP Ariba's discounting capability, and SAP Ariba Payables; then implement each module.

- Learn how SAP Ariba handles invoices with SAP Ariba Invoice Management
- Explore your payment options with SAP Ariba Payables
- Set up SAP Ariba Invoice Management, SAP Ariba Payables, and SAP Ariba’s discounting capability

Kendall Whitaker always longed for a starring role in a movie full of action, adventure, love, and murder. She just never thought she would be living in one.An aspiring actress, she left her normal life in Phoenix for the bright lights of Hollywood. Taking a job as the marketing assistant to a miserable boss at Blossom Studios, she believed this job would eventually open the door into the movie industry. When she finally gets her hands on an audition script, she refuses to let anything stand in her way. What she doesn’t expect is the return of her arch nemesis, the attention of the very dashing actor, Grayson Ellis and finding the body of the nosy receptionist. Before she knows it, Kendall finds herself embroiled in the mysterious events that are happening at studio. With each unfortunate incident including the disappearance of her boss, Kendall is right in the middle of it all. Could the answer be hidden in the canceled movie, Off the Pacific, or has the answer been in front of her the entire time? It’s obvious that someone has set out to destroy Blossom Studios and they will do whatever it takes to succeed. Kendall realizes that she must solve this mystery in order to prove her own innocence and possibly save her own life.

India Turns East tells the story of India’s long and difficult journey to reclaim its status in a rapidly changing Asian environment increasingly shaped by the US–China rivalry and the uncertainties of US commitment to Asia’s security. The Look East policy initially aimed at reconnecting India with Asia’s economic globalization. As China became more assertive, Look East rapidly evolved into a comprehensive strategy with political and military dimensions.

Frédéric Grare argues that, despite this rapprochement, the congruence of Indian and US objectives regarding China is not absolute. The two countries share similar concerns, but differ in their tactics as well as their thoughts about the role China should play in the emerging regional architecture. Moreover, though bilateral US policies are usually perceived positively in New Delhi, paradoxically, the multilateral dimensions of the US Rebalance to Asia policy sometimes pushes New Delhi closer to Beijing’s positions than to Washington’s.

This important new book explores some of the possible ways out of India’s ‘Eastern’ dilemma.

« Entrez dans le clan des bikers Eagles of freedom ... » OfficielLement, Eagles of Freedom est un groupe de motards tout ce qu’il y a de plus honnête. Officieusement, ils forment un gang de bikers trempés dans des affaires douteuses. Je n’ai toujours connu que l’odeur de l’essence et du cuir, le vrombissement tonitruant des moteurs en surchauffe, le canon brillant d’une arme de poing. EoF, club dont je suis issu, est devenu, en l’espace de quelques années, la milice secrète du Montana. Lorsque maman est morte, tuée de sang-froid par le chef des Demon Crew, mon père s’est juré de prendre sa revanche. Alors, quand Callie, la fille du leader du gang ennemi, a été faite prisonnière, j’ai compris que certaines limites ne devaient jamais être dépassées... Biographie de l’auteur : Elys est née en Bretagne et vit maintenant dans le sud de la Seine-et-Marne. Amoureuse des livres et débordante d’imagination, l’écriture l’a toujours tentée, jusqu’à ce qu’elle découvre une plate-forme de jeunes auteurs qui lui a donné l’envie de partager enfin ses récits.